This and That
1. If you missed my thoughts on motherhood feel free to pop on over to that post here. I love my role as a stay at home mama, but the days are long and hard and exhausting both mentally and physically. I have been feeling the heaviness of it all lately and wrote a bit about my thoughts.
2. Summer time always makes me want to read more. It is probably dating back to my high school, college and teacher days when summers mean extra time to focus on what you enjoy. Now that I am in the throws of motherhood (and my kids aren't yet in school), summer really just means more of the same. But I plan to read more if I can. I am still working on The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks and enjoying it (over half way through). I also just barely started Lauren Graham's book Talking as Fast as I can. I am hopeful that I will enjoy it and I definitely think it will be an easier read then the Henrietta Lacks book. I have also been trying to finish Tsh Oxenrider's book Notes from a Blue Bike, which I absolutely love but keep forgetting about because it is on my Nook and not in hard copy form. I also want to read her new book At Home in the World sometime this summer. What is on your summer reading list?
3. Crafting is still full swing in our house and I am close to going crazy from cleaning up markers, small bit so of paper, pompoms and pipe cleaners! I love that they have creative freedom to color and create when they need to but it is always a chore to get it cleaned up. I do make them help, but as they are only 2 (almost 3) and 4, it requires quite a bit of guidance.
4. This week's favorite podcast listens were Risen Motherhood's episode with Hannah Anderson and an episode from The Slow Home podcast that aired a few weeks ago called It's Great to Suck at Something (it is super short and worth the listen!). I loved what Hannah Anderson said about postpartum body image and encourage you to listen to her words if that is something you struggle with! I even took notes while listening (which I don't normally do when listening).
5. I had a fun girls night out last night which was much needed! We went to Longwood Gardens to the Beer Garden and to see the light show! It was so fun and totally worth checking out if you are in the area.
6. I started my Bullet Journal this week! If you don't know what that is check this post out. It seems like an odd time to start, but that is the beauty of the bullet journal, it is open ended and you can adapt and change it based on your needs! I am excited to get going in it and already have a lot of collection pages.
7. of my kids needs me right at this moment, so off I must go. Have a great weekend!!
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