A look through our window
I've been enjoying my break from Facebook and Instagram this month. I honestly am considering calling it permanent quits on Facebook because I have discovered I don't really 'need' it in my life and it seems to suck my contentment right out of me when I am on. So if you all of a sudden notice me missing, you will know why! But that is a story for another day. I wanted to do a little update post just giving you a picture of what has been going on around here.
Per usual, we have been crafting our days away over here. Lately Elise has taken to saying "Lets fix it with art" anytime there is a problem (she learned that from the show Creative Galaxy on Amazon Prime, a great show your kids will love if they also love art, It is sort of like an art themed Daniel Tiger). Millie has been drawing lots of pictures lately! The ones above are a few of my current favorites! She loves to draw people, lizards, trees, and spider webs. I just love seeing her learn to draw and be okay with it looking not perfect.
Rowan cut his first tooth and honestly he is such a sweet happy baby I didn't even know he had a tooth until one day I put my finger in his mouth and felt the little tooth on his gums. He was a tad more drooly but other than that not really fussy or anything! He has been soooo busy lately going after toys, standing in his exercauser and kicking his legs. I think he also went through a growth spurt since his 4 month appointment because all of a sudden 9 month clothes seem a little tight and even some of the 12 month hand me downs are tight. So feel free to send over your used baby boy clothes (kidding and not kidding) because he is growing fast and we can't really keep up!
For Elise's birthday we got her play scarfs (the cheaper version of play silks if you are familiar with them). They seem like a silly gift for a 3 year old, as they are literally just colored scarves. But honestly, they are one of the best gifts I have given my girls so far! Even Rowan loves them. They make dresses out of them, forts, use them for their babies and animals, make a puppet theater over the stairs with them and create things like pretend fire with them. If you have a 3-6 year old Girl in your life, I bet they would love them if you are looking for the perfect non-toy gift to give that is still fun.
My mother in law came for our 10 year anniversary so Daniel and I could go out to dinner and have a day out. But my MIL and FIL so generously offered to pay for a hotel room for us to get away for one night. So we took Rowan with us to Ocean City New Jersey for one night. We had so much fun just walking on the board walk and enjoying some relaxing time without the girls. It was a much needed break for both of us! We were able to reflect on our past and present and talk about future plans.
My small garden has been looking very sad (aka dying) lately due to a bit of neglect (aka not watering enough). But it did produce one little carrot and some sugar snap peas. The girls were both so very excited to eat those veggies from our garden that I now have renewed hope in gardening and will hopefully clear out this current crop and give it another go! I love how they had no expectations for the garden and even 2 peas would have been thrilling to them. Watching them pull peas off and eat them was so fun!
Summer is in full swing when you see towels and swim suits draped over our back deck. No time for pictures of us at the pool because we are too busy watching our kids and having fun to take them, but we did go to the Y pool and LOVED it. Both girls were just so happy to be swimming again. Love my sweet Florida girls and their love for the water.
I finished The Chilbury Ladies' Choir and really enjoyed it. I am still working on Henrietta Lacks book. I am going to look for another 'quick read' at the library as well. I have a whole list of blog posts and podcasts that I want to share that I really liked recently, but I may save them for their own post!
I think that is enough of an update for one day! Happy Independence day! We have plans to go to a local parade and food truck festival tomorrow.
Per usual, we have been crafting our days away over here. Lately Elise has taken to saying "Lets fix it with art" anytime there is a problem (she learned that from the show Creative Galaxy on Amazon Prime, a great show your kids will love if they also love art, It is sort of like an art themed Daniel Tiger). Millie has been drawing lots of pictures lately! The ones above are a few of my current favorites! She loves to draw people, lizards, trees, and spider webs. I just love seeing her learn to draw and be okay with it looking not perfect.
Rowan cut his first tooth and honestly he is such a sweet happy baby I didn't even know he had a tooth until one day I put my finger in his mouth and felt the little tooth on his gums. He was a tad more drooly but other than that not really fussy or anything! He has been soooo busy lately going after toys, standing in his exercauser and kicking his legs. I think he also went through a growth spurt since his 4 month appointment because all of a sudden 9 month clothes seem a little tight and even some of the 12 month hand me downs are tight. So feel free to send over your used baby boy clothes (kidding and not kidding) because he is growing fast and we can't really keep up!
For Elise's birthday we got her play scarfs (the cheaper version of play silks if you are familiar with them). They seem like a silly gift for a 3 year old, as they are literally just colored scarves. But honestly, they are one of the best gifts I have given my girls so far! Even Rowan loves them. They make dresses out of them, forts, use them for their babies and animals, make a puppet theater over the stairs with them and create things like pretend fire with them. If you have a 3-6 year old Girl in your life, I bet they would love them if you are looking for the perfect non-toy gift to give that is still fun.
My mother in law came for our 10 year anniversary so Daniel and I could go out to dinner and have a day out. But my MIL and FIL so generously offered to pay for a hotel room for us to get away for one night. So we took Rowan with us to Ocean City New Jersey for one night. We had so much fun just walking on the board walk and enjoying some relaxing time without the girls. It was a much needed break for both of us! We were able to reflect on our past and present and talk about future plans.
Summer is in full swing when you see towels and swim suits draped over our back deck. No time for pictures of us at the pool because we are too busy watching our kids and having fun to take them, but we did go to the Y pool and LOVED it. Both girls were just so happy to be swimming again. Love my sweet Florida girls and their love for the water.
I finished The Chilbury Ladies' Choir and really enjoyed it. I am still working on Henrietta Lacks book. I am going to look for another 'quick read' at the library as well. I have a whole list of blog posts and podcasts that I want to share that I really liked recently, but I may save them for their own post!
I think that is enough of an update for one day! Happy Independence day! We have plans to go to a local parade and food truck festival tomorrow.
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