a picture and a thousand words
They say a picture says a thousand words, which is true, but it likely doesn't say the thousand words we want it to say, if it did we wouldn't bother captioning our photos and writing a mini-blog post on Instagram explaining each one. So today's post is all about pictures and the words I want to say about them, which may be different than the words you get from the pictures themselves. Enjoy.
He is discovering his vocal cords and screaming lots to get my attention. He has also been a bit fussy and has two of the sweetest little teeth sticking out of those gums. In other Rowan news, he loves when I put his seat next to the bay window and spins himself around to look out at the great big world. I love watching how their little worlds grow. Somehow he is less than 2 weeks away from turning 6 months. Cue all the tears. My last baby (most likely) is growing way way too fast. A few days ago Millie said "I don't want Rowan to get big because I love his little smile." I whole heartedly agree sweet Millie.
Millie found a birds nest and was just so excited. She loves nature and just loves being outside. Some days during her quite time she just sits and looks out the window. One day she spent nearly her entire quite time watching a spider web out the window.
In the background is Elise with her 'salad' she made (out of leaves from the yard) for Daniel and I. She put it in our fridge and was very disappointed when I informed her we can't really eat it. She calls herself a 'maker' and loves to make things. I think I need to commission her to take care of our mid-summer veggies that I plan to plant next week in our garden!
Have you read this book? The Magic of Motherhood (not the little people one)? It is so very good. If you are a mother of any kind you will love it. OR if you are planning on being a mother soon (through birth or adoption). It is filled with sweet essays all about motherhood. Each woman in this book is unique in her motherhood story, and writes in a way that makes you feel like you aren't alone in your motherhood journey. It is also not at all a how to book. It is a beautiful anthem to all sorts of mothers, to both the good and the terribly hard of motherhood (they also have a podcast called Coffee & Crumbs which is so so good).
Let me know if this video works! It shows how we spent the 4th of July around these parts.
I historically have not been very proud of my handwriting. I also use to think that handwriting was something that you just were born to do well and if you weren't gifted the gift of good handwriting, you would just suffer through bad handwriting your entire life. But I have decided 2017 will be the year that I learn some better hand lettering. So I am practicing my handwriting when I get a chance. It is terribly relaxing and therapeutic and something I can do in just a moment of two of free time! I am only like 3 days into 'improving' my handwriting, so I feel like I have lots and lots to learn, but am already pleased with my progress!
We have been drinking homemade cold brew over here. One of us has probably been drinking a bit too much of it (maybe that is why Rowan is sleeping so poorly! it is a catch-22 kinda thing). But this photo also features my favorite thing to save from the trash, glass jars. I save all the glass jars! Pickle jars, pasta sauce jars, peach jars, etc. Then I reuse them all around my house. We drink out of them a lot (and now it appears we have a cute eclectic mason jar collection, when really it is just a bunch of random pasta sauce jars) and we use them to hold art stuff on the girls' art table.
Happy Friday guys!!
If you are in need of something to read or listen to this weekend here are some of my recent favorite blog posts and podcasts:
This post on talking to her daughter about mean girls from Lisa Jo Baker.
This post on creating a gym habit as a busy mom from The Art of Simple blog.
This blog post and podcast about how to seriously reduce your food waste from Slow Your Home. (I learned so much from this)
This post about waiting from the (in)courage blog. It reminds me how important it is to put people first even if it inconveniences you a bit.
This post about how theology is for moms of littles too from Risen Motherhood
One more thing
Have you discovered Voxer yet? If you use VOXER or want to try it out find me!! It is a fun messaging app that allows you to Walkie Talkie with friends or leave voice recorded messages for them. Plus you can send videos, pictures and GIFs as well. I have been using it with my sisters and loving it.
Video isn't showing up on my phone. :( I love that Millie is intrigued by nature! The art of sitting and observing creation is mostly lost in this age.