From two to three

Adding a third child in the midst of a big move is arguably, not the best choice. But as I said in my last post, sometimes we don't really have a choice, it is just what God plans. But despite the timing, overall the transition from two to three kids has been smooth.

The girls play so well together, and I think even better now that Rowan is here. In some ways a big move and a new baby brother have helped solidify their friendship. They both love on him but are not to aggressive that I have to watch their every move. I think a lot of that is their age and a lot of that is their personalities. Rowan really is the sweetest little addition to our family and now that he has been with us for 3 months, it is hard to imagine life without him.

Rowan is currently a dream baby, though I know that the toddler years with an active boy will probably throw this girl mom for a loop (any good book recs about raising boys?). For now, I will revel in these early days when he peacefully sleeps, nurses like a champ (see his cheeks for evidence of that) and spends his awake moments patiently waiting for attention and smiling when he gets it.

Keep in mind my previous 2 were not dream babies, so I am aware now that how easy he is has nothing to do with my skills and everything to do with how God made him. Elise woke up every 2-3 hours for the first entire year of her life. I have flashbacks to bouncing her in the bouncy seat well into the evening praying she would fall asleep and stay asleep once moved to her bed. My bible study group from that year prayed for weeks and weeks that she would sleep better for me. I am not sure I have ever been so tired before in  my life! Millie wasn't a terribly hard baby, but I was a new mom and had no clue how to take care of a baby or what was normal.

I sometimes worry that Rowan doesn't get enough attention. But then I realize how lucky he is to be my third and how grateful I am that my third is a sweet baby boy. He gets a relatively seasoned mom (though I still don't really have a clue what I am doing). But by now I know all kids are different, I know that my 'success' or 'failure' has nothing really to do with me. I may not have discipline down perfectly (or even moderately well) but I do know that he is a new different kid, and I won't try to fit in  the same discipline box as his sisters (as I did with poor Elise and her 'strong willed' personality). But most of all he was born into so much love. He is loved by a mom and dad whose hearts grow with each child. He has two sisters that will protect and mother him well into his adult years and he is loved by my friends and family around the world before he even meets them.


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