Bits and Pieces

  • I have been reading a number of books lately but one I wanted to mention that has really impacted me so far is Long Days of Small Things. This is a book for moms in busy years with young kids. The author encourages moms to find Jesus in their lives and every day little moments and encourages moms to draw near to him because of their busy lives as moms and not in-spite of it. Definitely worth a read if you are looking to draw closer to Jesus but really feel like you don't have a lot of time for 'quite meditation' and other spiritual practices. 

  • I also have been listening to a lot of podcasts lately, so much so that I am tad obsessed and have to watch how often I listen! But one of my favorites is Risen Motherhood. I Love this podcast because it is all about motherhood from the standpoint of the gospel message. I love the hosts and have enjoyed every one I have listened to. I particularly liked episode 61 on Prayer and Motherhood and episode 57 How Discipline helps us communicate the Gospel. 

  • The girls have been crafting like crazy lately. The other day when I was out and Daniel was home with them, he got out TONS of craft stuff and they went to town. When I came home Elise was so proud of her many "masterpieces" and as she continued to craft she narrated each step. "First I need the glue here, Then I need this fuzzy thing. Now I put this stick here..." It was making me laugh. If you are interested in receiving any of the results of their crafting in the mail please let me know, I throw out so much because they honestly can produce up to 10 'unique masterpieces' a day. And this mama doesn't have room for that kind of clutter!

  • Rowan has had a bit of a fussy week (probably because I bragged about how good of a baby he is in my last post). He had one particularly bad day and I thought I would lose my mind. I honestly am so blessed that it is only occasionally that he is fussy, I think he is just going through a "wonder week" (I read an article about wonder weeks-weeks when babies learn new things developmentally and are extra fussy). He has been kicking his legs like it is his only job in this world (really it is besides eating and sleeping) and I think he is getting extra tried. 

  • I need some home work out inspiration. We are members of the Y, but I just don't know how I feel about dropping Rowan off yet in the child care to work out. So I need some tips on how to get it done at home! What are your favorite videos or at home workout resources. I am going to be honest though, I don't plan on giving up my rest-nap time in favor of working out and I certainly won't be getting up any earlier to fit it in. I also would prefer not to really spend much money on working out at this point, so nothing that requires an actual 'membership' or anything like that (unless super duper affordable).


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