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34 things on my 34th Birthday

I saw a blogger I follow do this recently for her 33rd birthday and I liked the idea so I thought I would give it a try, because my life is too busy for long cohesive meaningful posts reflecting on my previous 34 years. But lists, lists I can do! I was born in The Netherlands, but my parents are not Dutch and my dad wasn't in the military or a missionary. They were living in The Netherlands (and other places in Europe) and my dad worked for an oil drilling company that had platforms out there. I have never been back but it is high on my bucket list.  I have lived in 4 countries and 6 different states. The Netherlands, Scotland (for a short time as a young child), The U.S.A (Georgia, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, Indiana, Florida and Delaware) and for 5 months I lived in Ireland for a study abroad program.   I drink way too much coffee every day, but also equally love tea. Morning coffee, afternoon tea, that is my jam.  After 4 years of Spanish classes (...

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