34 things on my 34th Birthday

I saw a blogger I follow do this recently for her 33rd birthday and I liked the idea so I thought I would give it a try, because my life is too busy for long cohesive meaningful posts reflecting on my previous 34 years. But lists, lists I can do!

  • I was born in The Netherlands, but my parents are not Dutch and my dad wasn't in the military or a missionary. They were living in The Netherlands (and other places in Europe) and my dad worked for an oil drilling company that had platforms out there. I have never been back but it is high on my bucket list.
  •  I have lived in 4 countries and 6 different states. The Netherlands, Scotland (for a short time as a young child), The U.S.A (Georgia, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, Indiana, Florida and Delaware) and for 5 months I lived in Ireland for a study abroad program. 
  •  I drink way too much coffee every day, but also equally love tea. Morning coffee, afternoon tea, that is my jam. 
  • After 4 years of Spanish classes (2 in high school and 2 in college), I can still basically only count to ten, ask where is the bathroom and say hello how are you. Language learning is not my gift and I honestly barely passed in college (lowest grade aside from my second half of Organic Chem).  I also use to regularly fall asleep in high school Spanish class (it was right after lunch I think). 
  • Before I had the privilege to leave my job and stay home with my kids, I was a high school Biology teacher for 8 years. I get asked a lot if I miss it. I do and I don't. Feel free to ask me to elaborate if you see me in person. 
  • My favorite subject in Biology is genetics. 
  • One of my biggest pet peeves is when people see my redheaded children and ask which person (me or Daniel) the red hair came from. I have to hold back from giving them a genetics lesson (it came from both, red hair is the most recessive of hair traits and only shows up if BOTH individuals carry the red hair gene).  
  • If you ask me a question about genetics I may try to draw you a diagram (just ask my MIL). 
  • The day I found out I was pregnant with Elise, I ran 7 miles. It is the last time I have run for pleasure. 
  • I love running and would like to get back into it. Just struggling to find the time. Pushing 3 kids in a stroller is not really an option while running (for me that is). 
  • Ever since living in Florida my love for Summer has increased. I use to like summer but long for fall. This is the first year I have been really sad to see summer days fade away. 
  • BUT this will be my first 'real Autumn' in 4 years, so I am super excited. I just wish I had a few more weeks of hot summer weather first. Bring back the pool days please!  
  • September is my favorite month, though it was my least favorite while living in Florida (the endless hot days get to you by September).  It is my favorite because it marks new beginnings (a new season, a new school year and my birthday). 
  • I made it through the entire summer without painting my toenails. 
  • The best books I read this last year of my life were: Fiction: The Nightingale, Memoir: Talking as Fast as I can and Nonfiction: The Magic of Motherhood 
  • Speaking of Lauren Graham, I have watched the entire series of Gilmore Girls more than 5 times, and some episodes I have probably watched more than 10 each. It never gets old (I just started at the beginning again). 
  • I have taken the Myers-Briggs personality test many times. It comes out different often. I am on the line between an I and an E, a T and an F and a J and a P. The only one that remains consistent is Sensing. But the most often result I get is an ISFJ. 
  • I am not really great at small talk, so if I seem unsocial or awkward, it is likely that I am just not sure what to say, not that I don't want to talk to you. 
  • Ask me about books I've read, genetics (or any other microbiology topic), parenting, or what God has done for me and I will likely talk your ear off. 
  •  Lately I have been feeling boring, not bored, but boring. I think it is this stage of parenting when all of my energy goes into my kids. But I feel like I have no mental energy left for anything else, which leaves me feeling boring and wondering if others think I am boring too? 
  •  I use to always finish a book if I started it. I hate 'quitting' even a bad book. But when you have little time for things you start to realize it is okay to quit every once in a while. So now I have no trouble leaving a book part way through. 
  • We sing Christmas songs in this house year round. When the girls request Jingle Bells, Away in a Manger, Silent Night or any other song that is holiday related, I have no hesitation to sing them. (they ask frequently for these). 
  • I have never been great at understanding poetry. 
  • I sew, but am not good at it. 
  • I am learning to draw and to do hand lettering, but have never been a great artist. 
  • 75% of the time I go out without make-up on. 
  • I love the hills in Delaware, but miss my flat neighborhood in Florida. It is just so hard to push a double stroller weighing over 100 lbs around the neighborhood with big hills (which baby wearing).
  • I feel happiest in nature. 
  • When we lived in Indiana I hated being so far from the ocean. There really is something to be said about feeling land-locked.
  • I started bullet journaling this year. Jury is still out. I mostly like it but often neglect the whole process. 
  • I love the ocean and dream of one day living in a house by the sea. 
  • I have never owned a dog but really want one. 
  • I have frequent dreams about bugs and spiders and wake up talking to my husband about them and believing they are real. 
  • For almost this whole year I thought I was already 34, so it is like I am not even aging this birthday. 


  1. Your husband has some interesting hobbies lol, I’d wanna know if my man was stepping out on me especially if he was paying for it .


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